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Sweet Dreams (Sweetwater Book 2) Page 4

  I gasp as desire pounds through my veins with each beat of my heart, and just as I start to feel faint, he skims his lips down my neck, across my clavicle to the swell of my breasts. Placing his hands on my waist, he moves them upward to the underside of my breasts, pushing up from the bottom, practically spilling them out of the bustier. His tongue dips down inside, stroking my nipple, swirling round and round, making me clutch at him all the more. His tongue is so rough, my nipple so sensitive, it feels as if he licks it raw.

  He swiftly swings me up into his arms and the next thing I know, he’s letting me slide down the length of his body to stand beside the bed in the next room. I’m panting with my need for him.

  “Take off your jeans.” His dark command sends tiny shivers racing over my skin, just as it always does. “Leave your panties on,” he orders as he pulls his shirt over his head.

  His words and bared chest almost make me lose it right there before he even has me on the bed. My chest heaves with my arousal as I fumble with the button and zipper, pushing my jeans down my legs. Then I reach to unbuckle the straps on my shoes.

  “Leave the heels on,” he says with a wicked smirk. At my blush and shake of my head, he laughs deep in his chest. My whole body reacts to the sound. “Well, another time, hmmm?” I look at him, my lips parting with my desire. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me and how it affects me.

  I kick my heels off before stepping out of my jeans, and I’m left standing before him in my bustier and black lace panties, my hair spilling wildly down my back out of my updo.

  His eyes rove over my body, and I close mine.

  I will not beg him to take me.

  “You are so beautiful, my sweet,” he says hoarsely, and my eyes fly open hearing the need in his voice that matches my own. The breath whooshes right out of my lungs when he hauls me up against his body, backing me toward the bed. As the back of my legs hit the mattress, he follows me down to lie fully on top of me, his body deliciously heavy. And hard. Hot. My lashes flutter closed as he brings his mouth down firmly on mine.

  I want to wrap my arms around him, but he’s grasped my wrists and raised my arms high above my head holding them firmly against the mattress. His kiss consumes me with its intensity. I moan and wrap my legs around his, running my foot up and down his leg, over his firm backside. When he releases my mouth, his beautiful eyes smile down into mine.

  “You love me,” he whispers hoarsely.

  My breath is softly indrawn. “I do.”

  “I thought you came here to tell me goodbye,” he murmurs bringing his lips back to mine.

  What? That thought is quickly forgotten however as his kiss turns relentless, alternating between soft and tender where he strokes my lips with his tongue, to wildly erotic, biting and nipping at them until I’m crazed with the need for more.

  He continues to hold my arms above my head as he pushes my legs more fully apart with his so that he lies jutted up against my softness. My breath catches, and then I moan as he rubs firmly against me. He releases my hands and slides his under my hips lifting me. My panties offer no protection as I arch up to meet each rough stroke, running my hands over his naked back, dragging my nails across his skin. He rears his head back groaning loudly, coming back down to bring his mouth to my throat. He pulls at the ribbon I tied around my neck earlier, and I feel it give way as he sucks the delicate skin over my pulse point. I don’t understand why this affects me as it does, but I feel my pulse rate slow or speed up to match the suction of his mouth. It’s as if on some visceral level he can actually control my heartbeat.

  I feel the telltale warning of my impending orgasm when my lower stomach tightens as he continues the stimulation between my legs. Lucas nips and sucks his way across my skin down to my breasts, pulling at the bustier, exposing me further. My nipples prove vulnerable to his mouth and fingers as he softly bites and pinches. I writhe beneath him, my hands tangling in his hair as he sucks firmly on a nipple causing my back to arch off the bed, the sensation radiating to my core.

  I come apart just as I think I won’t be able to tolerate for a moment longer the palpable energy that radiates throughout my body. I cling to Lucas as he coaxes me to let go.

  I lie sprawled across Lucas’ chest, regaining my senses as he holds me tightly. My arms and legs, every muscle in my body now relaxed instead of tightly strung as I’ve been for the past two days. I smile with the pleasure of being in his arms again.

  Snuggling closer to him, he kisses the top of my head. “I’ve missed you, my sweet.” His deep voice vibrates in the ear pressed against his chest.

  I swallow deeply, hearing him say that. “I still can’t believe you left me like that,” I whisper, an accusatory note in my voice.

  He stills and then sighs deeply. “I didn’t leave you, Sofie. I was coming back tonight.” I raise my head to see his face. He brushes his knuckles against my cheek.

  “Well, for future reference, when you leave, and you don’t say—hi, bye, or kiss my ass—I’m going to think you’re either mad or—unhappy.”

  He rolls us over and is once more lying on top of me looking down into my face, his eyes filled with humor. “Hi, bye, or kiss your ass?” I flush, and he chuckles. “Sofie,” his voice is soft and seductive. “I may become angry with you, but I will never be unhappy with you.” I gaze into his sparkling green eyes as my lips curve into a soft smile mollified by his words.

  He lifts his weight off me to lie on his back, pulling me close. It’s several minutes before he breaks the silence.

  “I saw in the kitchen—when you finally put it all together. I watched your face as the reality set in,” Lucas reveals softly. I lift my head so I can see his face, and when I open my mouth to respond, he presses his finger to my lips. “The shock was there, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before the horror of it all would be on your face every time you looked at me—every time I touched you.” He closes his eyes as if in pain. “That would—destroy me,” he says huskily.

  “Lucas…” I draw a shaky breath, wanting to get this right. “You saw shock on my face, yes. I was shocked. But you didn’t see revulsion… or fear. The… surprise you saw was—there really are vampires. For real.” I think I see a hint of amusement in his lovely eyes. “That was what you saw. Then I started thinking back over everything since I met you.”

  He suddenly rolls over on top of me, quickly turning us both over again with me ending up on top.

  Geez, is he trying to make me dizzy?

  “What conclusion did you come to with all of your contemplation, my sweet?” A sensuous smile curves his lips, and the timbre of his voice has me biting my lip, which draws his eyes down to my mouth.

  “I… I realized that…” I can’t think clearly with him looking at me as he is.

  “Yes?” He drawls in his velvety voice.

  “That I was in love with a vampire.” I inhale sharply as his mouth makes a purposeful descent to mine. He takes my lips with a fierce hunger as our tongues tangle, his hands caressing my body as my hands delve into his silky hair, and I’m quickly squirming beneath him.

  Pulling his mouth from mine, he gives me a wicked, sinful grin. “We’d better stop,” he says, his voice hoarse with need.

  I nod, but I don’t want to stop. I crave the relief and completion that only Lucas can give me. I snuggle my face against his neck and inhale deeply.

  “Sofie,” he warns, and I look up to catch his raised eyebrow. “I am not having sex with you in Dominic’s bed.”

  Huh? I nuzzle against his shoulder, swallowing hard with my need for this man. “Isn’t that what we just did?” I ask, feeling my face heat with my blush.

  Lucas grunts. “One little orgasm isn’t going to stir him up too much.” I frown. “Hey, look at me,” he urges. “I know there’s more that we need to discuss, but all I want to do right now is t
ake you home and make love to you in our bed.”

  Oh, my. Make love to me. “Yes, please.”

  He smiles and brings his hand to my chin, tilting my face so he can look fully into my eyes. “We are going to talk. No more secrets between us.” The level of intensity in his eyes lets me know he doesn’t just mean his secrets.

  I swallow uncomfortably. How am I going to tell Lucas about my nightmares and this strange connection I have with the Kihn? I have no understanding of the situation so how do I explain it. I know I’ll have to tell him about my parents too. Can I do that; resurrect that old pain? “Okay,” I whisper.

  He searches my eyes deeply. “Okay.” He kisses my forehead and shifts, pulling me against his side, pressing my face to his chest.

  He smells so freakin’ good!

  I wriggle against him, and he laughs softly. “Okay, we need to go.”

  I sigh. I wish we were already home.

  “Oh, and, Sofie?”

  “Yes?” I whisper.

  “You have one hell of a hickey on your neck.”

  It takes a moment for his words to register. “What?” I exclaim as I push away from him and leap off the bed hurrying to Dominic’s bathroom mirror. I pull my hair aside on the left side of my neck. “Oh no!” I wail.

  I see Lucas’ amused reflection in the mirror.

  “This isn’t funny!” He seems to think so, though. “How old are you? This is so—high school!” I snap. He laughs. “How could you do this to me?” He’s given me a hickey before, but it was faint, easily hidden under makeup, disappearing quickly. This one is blatantly obvious, and I’ll be wearing turtlenecks for a week.

  He comes up behind me to slide one arm around my waist. “I would say I’m sorry, but that would be untrue.” I glare at his reflection in the mirror, and he chuckles, nuzzling my ear. “Why should I apologize or be sorry for something we both enjoyed?”

  “I’m not enjoying it now,” I say with a pout, arranging my hair to see if I can hide it.

  “I also can’t apologize for being what I am,” he rasps, suddenly serious. My eyes rise to meet his in the mirror. He tips his head, his gaze intense, and I suddenly want to tell him it’s okay because I know with certainty, he is apologizing to me.

  I quickly lower my head so he won’t see the expression in my eyes. “Sooo—” I tilt my head, meeting his eyes again— “you’re telling me that you can’t be held responsible for all the sucky action I’m going to get in the future?”

  He gives me a full-blown smile, and I think my heart stutters. He pulls me back against his body. “You, my sweet will get lots of sucky action for many years to come.” He kisses the top of my head. “Besides it’s your fault,” he laughingly adds.

  I turn in his arms to face him.

  “How” —I point to the side of my neck— “is this my fault?”

  He backs up, giving me a devilish look up and down my body. “You come to a bar full of supernatural, dressed like that—without me?” He raises his damned eyebrow. “I am simply making a statement of my continued—commitment.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. I honestly think he was about to say ownership but thought better of it. He reaches to pull me back into his arms.

  “Well, I wasn’t exactly dressed like this… I’ve managed to lose my jeans since I first got here,” I say with my face pressed against his chest.

  Lucas laughs again. “Let’s go home,” he says, kissing my forehead.

  After we put our clothes back on, I straighten Dominic’s bed, flipping both pillows over, looking for the black ribbon Lucas pulled from around my neck earlier.

  “What are you looking for, my sweet?” He has his phone out, checking messages.

  “My ribbon. I thought it would help cover—” I feel my blush as Lucas looks up at me.

  “I don’t want you to hide my mark.”

  My mouth drops open. “Your mark?” I exclaim indignantly. I put my hand on my hip and narrow my eyes at him. “Aren’t you afraid one of your girlfriends will see it?”

  Lucas hesitates and then tosses the phone on the bed, quickly advancing toward me. I start backing up, and he backs me right up against the bedroom door. The look on his face has me putting a hand up against his muscled chest. He lets me hold him at bay, one of his hands braced on the door above my head as he leans in. His free hand reaches up to tug on a lock of my hair.

  “I know you enjoy baiting me, my sweet, and you do it better than anyone I know.” I look up into his silvered green gaze. “But you’d better watch that sassy little mouth of yours,” he warns. He leans closer, his mouth at my ear. “Before I put it to better use,” he growls.

  I gasp sharply, knowing he’s not talking about kissing my mouth. He leans back and smirks while my eyes snap at him with indignation.

  Placing his hands on both sides of my face, he gives me a quick, hard kiss. “Let’s go. I’m ready to get you into bed and teach you how to please me with that lush mouth.”

  Before I have a chance to respond to his rude comment, he’s grasping my wrist, pulling me out the door.

  Once more, I am extremely embarrassed as we leave Dominic’s office and walk down the hall. Dominic is standing at the entrance to the hallway, talking to the security guy stationed there as they keep an eye on the dance floor.

  Lucas has his arm around my waist, and I stumble when he abruptly comes to a halt. “Who did you come here with?”

  Oh, Crap.

  “Um—no one,” I confess, certain another fight is imminent. I take a couple of steps forward before his hand encircles my arm pulling me back.

  His silvered gaze narrows as he looks down at me. “What do you mean—no one?” I swallow guiltily. “You little fool!” He hisses before sighing in exasperation.


  “Enough,” he growls. “Clearly, I’m going to have to put you under lock and key to keep you safe.”

  My eyes widen. Surely he’s teasing. I take a step to the side and cross my arms over my chest. “There’s no way in hell…”

  “Ahh—” Dominic says as he walks up. Lucas quickly pulls me back to his side, his hand closing gently around the back of my neck as his thumb soothingly strokes the side of my throat.

  I try not to make eye contact with Dominic since I’m embarrassed at having just rolled around in his bed—again. But I do notice he’s amused.

  We walk to the entranceway, and as Lucas talks to Dominic about arranging for someone to drive my car to Sweetwater, I step forward to watch the dancers on the dance floor. A young woman catches my eye as she cleans one of the nearby tables, but that is not the reason I notice her. What draws my attention is the way she’s dressed. For some reason, I think she’s trying to disguise herself to look like a boy. Her clothes are baggy, and though they are clean, her hair isn’t. It’s plastered to her head—with grease? She picks up the plastic tub with her load of dirty glasses, and as she heads for the bar, she passes close to me. She smells! And not in a good way. She looks up, and our eyes meet. I raise my eyebrow in question, and her large eyes widen in alarm. She stumbles into one of the waitresses, and the girl gives her an impatient look.

  “Hal! Watch where you’re going!”

  The distressed girl tears her gaze from mine and hurries behind the bar; disappearing through a doorway but not before she sends a furtive glance in my direction.

  How odd.

  As I turn my gaze from the empty doorway, I see Quanah. He’s at the end of the bar, and there is an attractive woman with long blonde hair, talking to him. He’s standing tall with his arms crossed over his chest, his black eyes staring across the room to meet mine.

  There is something so mysterious and attractive about him. There’s also a certain amount of gratitude on my part. I know we would never have made it through that tunne
l two nights ago, or the woods for that matter, if it hadn’t been for Quanah. I now consider him a good friend. What he said earlier, about taking me if Lucas didn’t want me, well… I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.

  I smile, raising my hand in a small wave. Quanah gives me a slight nod, and the blonde woman turns, her gaze catching mine for just a moment before Lucas puts his arm around my waist, leading me back down the hall with Dominic, where we exit out the service door to the back parking lot.

  Chapter Three

  As we drive back to Sweetwater, I curse the Hummer’s console. I want nothing more than to crawl over onto Lucas’ lap, and he must have similar inclination because when he brakes for a stop sign, he reaches over to pull me close. He gives me a kiss that curls my toes before releasing me to drive on. I moan dramatically, falling back against the seat. His soft laugh is devilishly wicked.

  I may not make it home I decide as I squeeze my legs together. When Lucas places his hand on my thigh, I exhale a soft, sharp breath and slightly part my legs before I realize what I’m doing. I glance at him, but his eyes are on the road. I know what he’s doing, though. What we did earlier at the club only heightened my senses and fueled my need, and he’s making sure I stay in that state of arousal. I inhale deeply and settle back in the seat. He needn’t worry, I’m always in a state of readiness when I’m near him.

  “Sofie.” I sit up straighter, alerted by the sound of his voice. “I need to know how you got past the guard, this evening.”

  Oh, shit.

  I watch his face as he keeps his attention on the road. Then he glances at me.

  “Now, Sofie.”

  “Um—I—flirted with him.” My voice is low, but I know he can hear me.

  He quickly looks at me again. “Is that right?” His face is impassive, and the dark timbre of his voice causes muscles to contract low in my belly.